
A client instance provides functions for LINE Pay APIs, so that you do not need to worry about HTTP requests and can focus on data. For type signatures of the methods.

Type signature

class Client {
    public config: ClientConfig;
    public apiUrl: string;
    public headers: Headers;

    constructor(config: ClientConfig)

    middleware(config: MiddlewareConfig): Middleware 

    getPaymentDetails(options: OptionsGetPaymentDetails): Promise<any>
    reservePayment(options: OptionsReservePayment): Promise<any>
    confirmPayment(options: OptionsConfirmPayment): Promise<any>
    refundPayment(options: OptionsRefundPayment): Promise<any>
    getAuthorizationDetails(options: OptionsGetAuthorizationDetails): Promise<any>
    capture(options: OptionsCapture): Promise<any>
    voidAuthorization(options: OptionsVoidAuthorization): Promise<any>
    preApprovedPayment(options: OptionsPreApprovedPayment): Promise<any>
    checkRegKeyStatus(options: OptionsCheckRegKeyStatus): Promise<any>
    expireRegKey(options: OptionsExpireRegKey): Promise<any>

The types of ClientConfig & Headers :

type ClientConfig = {
   * Payment Integration Information - Channel ID
  channelId: string;
   * Payment Integration Information - Channel Secret Key
  channelSecret: string;
   *  Environments:
   * - PROD:  => Real Service Environment
   * - BETA: => Testing environment that is available only in the LINE office network
   * - SANDBOX(Default Value): => Environment for integration testing
  environment?: "PROD" | "BETA" | "SANDBOX";
   * Offline Support - Device Type
   * Add it to defining it in the header
   * (20 Bytes)
  merchantDeviceType?: string;
   * Express session options
  sessionOptions?: ExpressSessionConfig;

type ExpressSessionConfig = {
   * This is the secret used to sign the session ID cookie.
   * False by default.
  secret?: string;
   * Forces the session to be saved back to the session store,
   * even if the session was never modified during the request.
   * False by default.
  resave?: boolean;
   * Forces a session that is "uninitialized" to be saved to the store.
   * False by default.
  saveUninitialized?: boolean;
type Headers = {
  "Content-Type": "application/json";
   * Payment Integration Information - Channel ID
   * (10 Bytes)
  "X-LINE-ChannelId": string;
   * Payment Integration Information - Channel Secret Key
   * (32 Bytes)
  "X-LINE-ChannelSecret": string;
   * Offline Support - Device Type
   * (20 Bytes)
  "X-LINE-MerchantDeviceType"?: string;


The Client class is provided by the main module. To create a client instance in CommonJS:

// CommonJS
const line = require('line-pay-sdk');

const client = new line.Client({
    channelId: 'YOUR_LINE_PAY_CHANNEL_ID',
    channelSecret: 'YOUR_LINE_PAY_CHANNEL_SECRET',


    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

To create a client instance in ES6 or Typescript:

// ES6 modules or TypeScript
import { Client } from "line-pay-sdk";

const client: Client = new Client({
    channelId: "YOUR_LINE_PAY_CHANNEL_ID",
    channelSecret: "YOUR_LINE_PAY_CHANNEL_SECRET",


    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));